Response & Resilience Team Water & Sanitation Engineer

Job posted by: Oxfam GB - UK - Fri, 30 May 2014

Job Details:

Organisation: Oxfam GB - UK

Deadline Sun, 15 Jun 2014

Job type: Temporary

Location: Central African Republic Chad Jordan Kenya Lebanon Liberia Nigeria Pakistan Philippines Sierra Leone South Sudan Yemen

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 JOB TITLE: Water and Sanitation Engineer - Response & Resilience Team (RRT)

 DIVISION / DEPARTMENT / LOCATION: International/Humanitarian/ Worldwide

 JOB FAMILY: Programme Technical

 SALARY:£25,596 – £34,617 p.a. net 

3 positions: Fixed-term 3 months, 9 months & 10 months.

 LEVEL: Global level C1

 OXFAM PURPOSE:To work with others to find lasting solutions to poverty and suffering

 DIVISION PURPOSE:To act with poor people as a force for change in addressing the causes of poverty, suffering and injustice and alleviating their symptoms.

 RESPONSE & RESILIENCE TEAM PURPOSE: To respond effectively and rapidly to major emergencies anywhere in the world, and enable communities to become more resilient to future shocks and stresses.

 PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINEER TEAM PURPOSE:The Public Health engineer team provides advice and support to the Humanitarian Department, Regional Management Centres and country programmes to enable them to respond effectively and appropriately when implementing relief programmes.

 JOB PURPOSE:To enable Oxfam to respond quickly to the Public Health Engineering requirements of an emergency.  The work may involve, in an immediate emergency stage, the assessment of the situation and in later stages the implementation of public health measures required to alleviate the plight of the people affected by the emergency.  


Postholder reports to:  Senior Technical Advisor in Oxford.  Whilst on deployment they will report to the designated Project Manager or Programme Co-ordinator

Staff reporting to this post: National engineering staff depending on deployment  

 BUDGET RESPONSIBILITY:Dependent on deployment




The post holder will undertake a series of deployments normally up to 6 months in duration for which specific Terms of Reference will be negotiated and agreed with relevant parties, prior to deployment and or revised in the early stages of the deployment.  Often these deployments will be to support fast moving emergency situations, and/or complex and difficult operating environments, where Oxfam has had to rapidly scale-up its programme and capacity.


Deployments will normally include some or all of the following responsibilities


  1. To carry out the selection, design and construction of water systems, using ground water or surface water, including abstraction, storage, treatment and distribution for new systems or rehabilitation of existing systems.


  1. To select, design and implement the most appropriate form of sanitation system, in consultation with the beneficiaries, which includes excreta disposal, refuse disposal, vector control and drainage.


  1. To have an understanding of  the role of cash programming and market based approaches in WASH as well as the different approaches that can be used in urban programming  .


  1.  To formulate and implement capacity building plans for teams and individuals that you manage in country, which may involve conducting training and mentoring approaches.


  1. To write country WASH Strategies, programme proposals and concise reports.


  1. To liase closely with the Public Health Promotion Team throughout the planning, design and implementation stages of the Public Health Engineering Programme. Hygiene promotion is a vital element of such public health engineering programmes


  1. To assess emergency needs, as requested, especially taking in the broader perspective of Public Health.


  1. The work will include management and administrative duties and co-ordination with other members of the project and with staff of other organisations


  1. To report regularly, verbally and in writing to the Programme Manager or Public Health Engineering Team Leader and to represent Oxfam to other NGO’s, agencies and Government authorities where requested.


  1. To order equipment from Oxfam’s Purchasing Department as required. Occasionally to organise local purchasing and to keep accounts.


  1. To brief press, media, other agency staff and Oxfam supporters as agreed with the Country Representative, Humanitarian Department and Press Office.


  1. To train and brief Oxfam staff on public health engineering issues.


  1. To ensure that all programmes take gender issues fully into account. This includes the introduction of mechanisms to enable women to participate in decision making around public health engineering issues.


  1. To be familiar with and abide by the NGO/Red Cross Code of Conduct, the People in Aid Code, Oxfam International procedures and other regulatory codes (e.g. InterAction Field Co-operation Protocol).




Minimum requirements all RRT members are expected to fulfil:

  • Ability to deploy at short notice to areas affected by crisis and support the rapid scale up of humanitarian programmes to meet life saving needs of affected people. To demonstrate the core competencies and behaviours agreed for humanitarian personnel.   Such behaviours will help RRT members “Oxfamise” new staff during rapid scale up, when a large number of new staff are often recruited, through modelling appropriate organisational culture. 
  • Management skills; given that virtually all RRT deployments will involve managing a team of others in delivering the work, RRT members will need to demonstrate management competencies. 
  • Behavioural skills; all RRT deployments require the individual to successfully work with others often under challenging circumstances.  RRT members should demonstrate competencies around “listening and creating dialogue” and “working with others” as well as networking skills.


  • A suitable qualification in any discipline relating to Public Health Engineering is the necessary educational background. Experience could substitute for a formal qualification, but not vice versa.  
  • Most importantly, proven practical experience in developing countries in appropriate water supplies, sanitation and hygiene promotion. It is desirable that some of this should have been in emergency relief programmes. The post holder should have a good understanding of the public health needs of poor rural and urban communities and of appropriate ways of tackling them. The post holder must be aware of and sensitive to the particular needs of women in this context. 
  • The ability to write strategies, programme proposals and concise reports  sometimes at short notice, reflecting the problems and possible solutions for particular situations.  
  • To demonstrate the ability or willingness to implement different approaches to Humanitarian WASH  programming using cash, vouchers or market based approaches.  
  • To understand how Urban WASH programming can be different  from more traditional WASH responses. 
  • Diplomacy, tact and administrative skills in order to work with people at managerial and, on occasions, senior government levels. The post holder should also be at ease in working with local people. 
  • Well developed interpersonal and team skills and proven ability to be flexible in demanding situations. 
  • Experience and the ability to build the capacity of field teams is essential. 
  • Good written and spoken English 
  • Willingness to travel at short notice, and often in difficult circumstances. 
  • Commitment to humanitarian principles and action. 
  • Commitment to Oxfam’s equal opportunity and gender policies.


  • Specific expertise in Urban or cash programming.
  • Working knowledge of French


This job description is not incorporated in the employment contract.  It is intended as a guide and should not be viewed as an inflexible specification as it may be varied from time to time in the light of strategic developments and following discussion with the post holder.

Date of issue:  March 2014


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